Friday, April 11, 2014

Unit 4: Sebelius out, Obama nominates new health secretary

Under the separation of powers, the executive branch includes cabinets under the presidential system of government. Cabinets are advisers of the president who head different executive departments of the government. Cabinets are appointed by the president and, therefore, are usually of the same political part as the president. The selections of the president are then approved by the senate insuring that the chosen cabinet member will be suitable for the duty and not just the president's choice.

Cabinet members are the heads of fifteen different executive departments. Each department deals with a set subject in handling major federal agencies. These 15 departments include the department of agriculture, commerce, defense, education, energy, health and human services, homeland security, housing and urban development, interior, justice, labor, state, transportation, treasury, and veteran affairs.

Today, President Obama announced that he is nominating Sylvia Mathews Burwell to be the next health secretary. This job would place her ultimately in charge of  overseeing Obamacare.

Burwell is currently directing the White House budget office. During her time in the White House budget office, Burwell dealt with last year's budget drama and had to send out the shutdown order after an agreement was not met.

Obama commented on Burwell's previous work in office, ""Sylvia is a proven manager, and she knows how to deliver results," he said. "And she'll need to be a proven manager because these are tough tasks, big challenges."

Burwell's new work will introduce new hardships. The implementing of Obamacare has brought about a sort of chaos inside the Department of Health and Human Services. However, the chance of the situation turning around is possible. Obamacare recently reached 7.5 million signups. Burwell's experience in the budget office and the Treasury could bring about another spike in signups if the senate approves her nomination.

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