Thursday, April 24, 2014

Unit 5: Gun policy: Old fight; new strategies

Government policies are becoming quite popular in the United States government. These policies are used to handle many different issues that the United States faces. They can be made as solutions to many problems such as taxes, environmental dilemmas, and health care issues. 

Policies can be influenced by many different factors. Political parties, politicians, organizations, public opinion, and the media are all known to sway certain government policies in certain directions. 

Gun control has been a topic of discussion since the beginning years of the United States. It began when the Bill of Rights finally became ratified in 1791. The second amendment stated, "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

Earlier, Gun-control Democrats in Virginia overcame the rough criticism of the National Riffle Association. The govenor, lieutenant govenor, and attorney general's wins shocked the NRA who is known as politically powerful and headquartered in Washington. Terry , at the final governor campaign debate, said, "I don't care what grade I got from the NRA."

McAuliffe has been pushing for stronger gun-control since just after he took office. His efforts fell short not long after. McAuliffe concluded that the result of his efforts was due to the fact that the 'battles are being fought' more in Washington. There, over a year ago, the Senate failed to expand on the development of stronger gun-control laws following the Newtown, Connecticut school shooting. 

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